How To Use A Drum Auger On A Toilet(How To Unclog A Clog)2024

How To Use A Drum Auger On A Toilet

Dealing with a clogged toilet can be a messy and inconvenient situation. Thankfully, a drum auger, also known as a plumbing snake, can come to the rescue.

You walk into your bathroom only to discover a stubbornly clogged toilet. With a drum auger, you’ll learn how to navigate the plumbing system, break up the blockage, and restore the flow. Let’s discuss in details;

Can I Use A Drum Auger On A Toilet?

Using a drum auger on a toilet effectively clears clogs in the drainpipe. Ensure the auger is designed for toilets so it doesn’t damage the porcelain.

How To Use A Drum Auger On A Toilet?

Using a drum auger on a toilet involves careful steps to avoid damage. Follow these expert plumbing tips to use a drum auger on your toilet.

  • Wear rubber gloves and eye protection.
  • Place towels or old rags around the toilet to catch any water.
  • Use a drum auger specifically designed for toilets. The cable should be about 3 feet long.
  • Turn off the water supply to the toilet.
  • Flush the toilet to drain as much water as possible.
  • Use a plunger to remove excess water from the bowl.
  • Extend the cable and insert the end into the drain opening at the bottom of the toilet bowl.
  • Push and twist the auger handle to navigate the curves in the toilet drain. Avoid excessive force to prevent damage.
  • Slowly feed the cable into the drain while maintaining steady pressure. This helps the auger reach and break up the clog.
  • Rotate the auger handle clockwise as you push it in. This helps the cable navigate through the clog. If you encounter resistance, reverse the direction and try again.
  • Once you feel resistance, you’ve likely reached the clog. Rotate and crank the auger to break up the obstruction.
  • Carefully retract the cable while continuing to rotate the handle. This helps to bring the dislodged material back up.
  • Turn the water supply back on and flush the toilet. Repeat the process if necessary until the water drains freely.

Pro Tips

  • Take your time to avoid damaging the toilet.
  • Applying too much force can damage the porcelain or push the clog further.
  • Consider using a drum auger for preventive maintenance to avoid severe clogs.
  • Is the drum auger safe for the toilet?

Yes, a drum auger is safe for toilets when used properly. Choose a toilet-specific auger with a shorter cable to prevent porcelain damage.

Gently insert and navigate the cable through the drain, avoiding excessive force. Methodical rotation and retractions prevent mishaps.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’S)

  • Is a toilet auger better than a snake?

A toilet auger and a snake (drain snake or auger) serve different purposes. A toilet auger is designed specifically for toilets, with a shorter, flexible cable to navigate bends. Drain snakes are more versatile and suitable for various pipes.

For toilet clogs, a toilet auger is more effective due to its design and purpose.

  • What is the difference between a snake and an auger?

A snake is a generic term for a flexible cable used to clear pipe clogs in plumbing. An auger is a specific type of snake with a spiral bit at the end, designed for drilling into or breaking up obstructions. While all augers are snakes, not all snakes are augers.

  • What can I use if I don’t have a toilet auger?

If a toilet auger is unavailable, try a plunger first. For deeper clogs, use a wire coat hanger, straightened and bent into a hook. Insert and maneuver it carefully to dislodge obstructions. Alternatively, a drain snake or makeshift auger from a flexible plastic drain-cleaning tool can be effective.

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